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25.10.2024 - 26.10.2024

Landsþing LH 2024

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01.11.2024 - 30.11.2024


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12.11.2024 - 12.11.2024


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Stay Healthy - Daily activity

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The National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland (NOC of Iceland) has launched a social media campaign called #verumhraust which could be translated as #StayHealthy.

The aim of the campaign is to motivate people to exercise regularly, stay healthy and take care of their health.

Public authorities in Iceland have stressed that during the COVID-19 period it is important to pursue regular physical activity. It has been shown that good physical health and regular physical activity can positively affect our resistance to the pandemic. The NOC of Iceland wants to contribute and motivate the Icelandic public to take care of their health so that we as a nation will be even fitter than before the pandemic!

Physical activity can be performed in many ways. It is possible to go outside to take a walk, go for a run, do strength training, take a hike, a bike ride, and go roller skating, just to name few options. Besides that, it is of course possible to do some exercise indoors at home, something many have done during the past months when exercise facilities have been closed.

When organized sport will become an option again the NOC of Iceland will add to the campaign messages that will encourage people to try any of the over 50 recognized sports that are practiced in Iceland within any of the 33 national federations.

The aim of the campaign is that everyday activity will be the norm for as many Icelanders as possible. People are encouraged to take photos of their activity, or the environment, and use the hashtag #verumhraust to inspire others and forward the positive message of the campaign.

NOC of Iceland on Facebook @isiiceland
NOC of Iceland on Instagram - @isiiceland